Everything You Need to Know to Protect Your Pet & Your Plumbing System

Pets, Blockage, Clog, Drain, Drain Screen, Maintenance, Pet Safety, Plumbing System, Preventative Care

May is National Pet Month! At Westerville Plumbing & Drain, we value every family member, including your pets! Keeping your pet safe, happy, and healthy is important to us. But we also want to help you ensure your plumbing system stays working perfectly. Did you know that these two things can go hand-in-hand? All pets require some level of upkeep around the home, and even the lowest maintenance of pets can affect your plumbing negatively if not looked after properly. So, let’s talk about how to protect both your pets and your plumbing system! 

Consider Pet’s Grooming    

Keeping your pets groomed is key to keeping your home clean and protecting against pests like ticks and fleas. However, grooming pets can be tough on your plumbing. Here are a few tips to reduce the strain on your plumbing system. 

Baths: Washing your pet yourself at home is an effective way to stay on track with keeping up with your pet’s grooming schedule. However, bathing them yourself can cause its share of problems. 

  1. It’s always a good idea to bathe your pet outdoors, if possible and the weather permits. 
  1. If you don’t have one already, installing a hand-held showerhead can simplify your pet bathing. It can help to keep your pet calmer and make the rinsing process smoother for you. 
  1. Use a drain screen on your bathtub or shower to catch loose fur and stop it from having the chance to clog up the drain. 

Fur Brushing: Brushing your pet regularly is key to reducing shedding and keeping hair from building up. 

  1. Choose the right brush for your pet’s hair type to make grooming easier.  
  1. For the best results and to keep hair from spreading indoors, try to groom your pet outside whenever you can. 
  1. If you have long-haired pets, it’s a good idea to brush them at least once every week. This helps keep their coat healthy and also prevents extra stress on your plumbing when you give them baths. 

Consider the Disposal of Unwanted Pet Food & Pet Waste 

Pet Food: It’s important to know that you should never wash dry pet food (kibble) down your kitchen sink or use the garbage disposal for it. Dry pet food expands when wet, which can cause serious clogs in your plumbing. When it dries, it hardens, making the clog worse. The best approach is to throw away any unused pet food in your trash bin to prevent these issues. 

Cat Litter: Managing pet waste is just another part of owning a pet, but how you dispose of it can really impact your home’s plumbing. A lot of people think it’s fine to flush kitty litter but trust us; that’s not a good idea. Most kitty litter doesn’t break down in water, which will cause serious clogs in your pipes. 

Even though some kitty litter is labeled “flushable”, it’s best not to flush cat litter down your toilet whatsoever. “Flushable” cat litter might be biodegradable, but it still breaks down slowly. This slow decomposition can cause clogs over time as undissolved clumps accumulate within your system. The risk of damaging your plumbing system and the potential for expensive repairs make flushing cat litter not worth the convenience. 

Consider These Additional Pet Safety Tips    

Digging: Watch out for pets that love to dig. It’s natural for dogs to dig, and we understand that. However, as a homeowner, you should monitor your little digger to prevent damage near your home’s foundation or buried pipelines. Protecting your plumbing system is important, but so is ensuring your pet’s safety, so this bit of advice is two-fold. 

Toilet Water: If your pet drinks from the toilet, you’re not alone, but it’s not as harmless as it seems. Though it might just seem gross, it can actually harm your pet’s health, too. Toilet cleaners like tabs, stamps, rim hangers, and chemical cleaners keep your toilet clean, but their chemicals can be dangerous for your pet. To protect your pet, always keep the toilet lid down, and if your pet keeps doing it, think about getting a child-proof lock.  

With a bit of preventative care and planning ahead, you can keep your pets and plumbing system safe. If you enjoyed reading these tips and tricks, feel free to check out our blog for more tips on how to maintain your home and plumbing system! 

If you have any issues or questions, we would be more than glad to help. Westerville Plumbing & Drain is open 24/7, 365 days a year. So, what are you waiting for? Call us at (614) 540-3437, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!